TIB Featured Projects


IB's Featured Projects are projects that have received funding from TIB and are significant in meeting and improving the transportation needs for the residents of Washington. TIB recognizes the partnerships we have with our customer agencies by joining with them to celebrate special project events, like groundbreaking and ribbon cutting ceremonies. Many of these events are covered by our featured projects.

Recently Featured Projects

City of East Wenatchee
Highline Drive
Featured June 11, 2020

City of East Wenatchee

Highline Drive

3rd St SE Intersection

The City of East Wenatchee's Highline Drive project was selected for funding in November 2018. TIB contributed $743,750 in funding toward the $905,377 total cost of the project.

The Highline Drive and 3rd St. SE intersection is an optimal location for an urban roundabout. The fairly balanced traffic in the southbound, eastbound, and westbound traffic create an ideal solution to manage the traffic. The existing intersection has ample space to construct the roundabout within existing right of way while still providing for freight and non-motorized traffic.

Preliminary traffic modeling indicates a roundabout will improve level of service now and can accommodate the planned retail and development growth over the next 20+ years.

Funding Partners

  • $743,750 from TIB's Urban Arterial Program (UAP)
  • $152,177 from the City of East Wenatchee
  • $9,450 from 4th Street Cottages Development

Project Benefits

  • Improves safety
  • Improves mobility
  • Optimizes traffic flow

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City of SeaTac
28th/24th Avenue S
Featured August 09, 2017

City of SeaTac

28th/24th Avenue S

S 200th St to S 208th St

The City of SeaTac's 28th/24th Avenue S project was selected for funding in November 2013. TIB contributed $4,568,627 in funding toward the $22,077,888 total cost of the project.

This project constructs a new roadway linking S 200th Street to S 208th Street. The project will include four travel lanes, a landscaped median with turn pockets, curb, gutter, shared-use path for bicycles and pedestrians, low impact development storm water collection and treatment facilities, retaining walls, channelization, landscaping and underground utilities.

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City of Pateros
Warren Avenue
Featured October 21, 2016

City of Pateros

Warren Avenue

East of Chris St to Beach Street

The City of Pateros's Warren Avenue project was selected for funding in November 2013. TIB contributed $314,706 in funding toward the $326,299 total cost of the project.

The project constructs new curb, gutter and six-foot sidewalk on one side of the street. The sidewalk connects to existing sidewalk leading to the downtown area. Other improvements include installing ADA-compliant ramps and crosswalk striping.

Funding Partners

  • $325,457 TIB's Sidewalk Program (SP)
  • $11,593 the City of Pateros

Project Benefits

  • Improves pedestrian safety
  • Enhances access to schools and CBD
  • Extends the sidewalk system

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City of Kennewick
Edison Street
Featured October 19, 2016

City of Kennewick

Edison Street

Clearwater Ave to Canal Dr

The City of Kennewick's Edison Street project was selected for funding in November 2010. TIB contributed $1,170,000 in funding toward the $2,750,498 total cost of the project.

This project will reconstruct the existing roadway to include four travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, bicycle lanes, curb and gutter, and sidewalks. Included in the project will be modification of the traffic signals at both ends.

Funding Partners

  • $1,165,522 TIB's Urban Arterial Program (UAP)
  • $646,449 the City of Kennewick
  • $928,000 STP

Project Benefits

  • Improves safety
  • Completes corridor
  • Reduces congestion

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City of Richland
Duportail Extension
Featured October 19, 2016

City of Richland

Duportail Extension

Robert Ave to Wellsian Way

The City of Richland's Duportail Extension project was selected for funding in November 2013. TIB contributed $1,819,442 in funding toward the $1,957,520 total cost of the project.

The project reconfigures the Thayer Drive/Duportail Street intersection with a single-lane roundabout. Duportail Street will extend from Thayer Drive to Wellhouse Loop to provide two travel lanes, a two-way center left turn lane, bike lanes and sidewalk on both sides of the street. A new signal will also be constructed at the intersection of Duportail Street and Wellsian Way.

Funding Partners

  • $1,819,442 TIB's Urban Arterial Program (UAP)
  • $138,078 the City of Richland

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Spokane County
Hawthorne Road
Featured October 19, 2016

Spokane County

Hawthorne Road

Waikiki Road to Division Street (SR 395)

Spokane County's Hawthorne Road project was selected for funding in November 2015. TIB contributed $768,654 in funding toward the $1,421,700 total cost of the project.

The county originally proposed full depth reclamation with cement treated base. Constructability of an FDR section is compromised because of meandering medians and swales. The section is Landscaped median and swales provide stormwater collection and treatment. Center turn lanes at intersections allow for uninterrupted traffic flow. The landscaped median improves the corridor aesthetics and provides pedestrian refuge. The scope includes upgrade of all non-compliant ADA ramps.

Funding Partners

  • $768,654 TIB's Urban Arterial Program (UAP)
  • $290,177 Spokane County
  • $362,869 WA State DOE

Project Benefits

  • Extends improvements
  • Restores structural condition
  • Incorporates recycled materials

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City of Port Townsend
Howard Street
Featured September 01, 2016

City of Port Townsend

Howard Street

S Park Avenue to Discovery Road

The City of Port Townsend's Howard Street project was selected for funding in November 2012. TIB contributed $2,233,301 in funding toward the $4,742,485 total cost of the project.

This project constructs approximately 1,700 feet of new arterial street connecting SR 20 to Discovery Road. The street will have two travel lanes, bike lanes, curb, gutter, sidewalks, and planter strips. A new roundabout will be constructed at the intersection of Howard Street and Discovery Road.

Funding Partners

  • $2,233,301 TIB's Urban Corridor Program (UCP)
  • $256,698 the City of Port Townsend
  • $646,773 Port Townsend Utlitiy Funds Water & Sewer
  • $300,000 CERB GRANT
  • $205,713 CERB LOAN
  • $1,100,000 Federal Funding

Project Benefits

  • Provides critical link to commercial district
  • Improves mobility
  • Creates access
  • Enhances non-motorized facilities

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City of Edmonds
228th Street SW/SR 99
Featured May 11, 2016

City of Edmonds

228th Street SW/SR 99

80th Ave to 1,000 e/o 72nd/228th St SW to 76th Ave

The City of Edmonds's 228th Street SW/SR 99 project was selected for funding in November 2013. TIB contributed $1,493,503 in funding toward the $5,986,040 total cost of the project.

This project constructs the missing segment of 228th Street SW between SR 99 and 76th Avenue W and a new signal will be added at SR 99. The intersection of 76th Ave W and SR 99 will be reconfigured to eliminate left turn movement and a center median will be added on SR 99 to restrict access. In addition, bike lanes, sidewalks and illumination will be added to both sides of 228th Street and the storm water systems will be improved using detention vault, infiltration galleries and a bio-swale.

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City of Leavenworth
Commercial Street
Featured March 22, 2016

City of Leavenworth

Commercial Street

3rd St to 8th St

The City of Leavenworth's Commercial Street project was selected for funding in November 2013. TIB contributed $585,261 in funding toward the $1,271,799 total cost of the project.

The project reconstructs the roadway to provide two travel lanes and sidewalk on one side. A retaining wall will be built to allow for the wider section. The project also includes an illumination system and drainage improvements.

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City of Kirkland
NE 85th Street (Construction Only)
Featured March 02, 2016

City of Kirkland

NE 85th Street (Construction Only)

120th Ave NE to 132nd Ave NE

The City of Kirkland's NE 85th Street (Construction Only) project was selected for funding in November 2013. TIB contributed $1,667,500 in funding toward the $5,934,786 total cost of the project.

This project reconstructs NE 85th Street with four travel lanes, a center median, curb, gutter, a landscaped strip and seven-foot sidewalks. In addition, right turn lanes at key intersection traffic signals will be upgraded and connected to Kirkland's traffic management center.

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City of Tacoma
Port of Tacoma Road
Featured January 25, 2016

City of Tacoma

Port of Tacoma Road

E 11th Street to Marshall Avenue

The City of Tacoma's Port of Tacoma Road project was selected for funding in November 2014. TIB contributed $6,364,494 in funding toward the $9,237,820 total cost of the project.

This project will replace the failing asphalt with a ten-inch cement concrete pavement surface from curb to curb. ADA ramps and driveways will be upgraded as needed, curb and gutter will be replaced as needed. The temporary signal near Lincoln Avenue will be replaced with a permanent signal, and the railroad will partner with the city to replace the railroad crossing and tracks.

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City of Maple Valley
Witte Road SE
Featured December 30, 2015

City of Maple Valley

Witte Road SE

SR 169 to SE 240th Street

The City of Maple Valley's Witte Road SE project was selected for funding in November 2014. TIB contributed $1,284,687 in funding toward the $2,104,143 total cost of the project.

This project constructs two travel lanes, a two-way left-turn lane, bike lane, planter strip, curb, gutter and sidewalk along the west side of Witte Road between SE 240th Street and SR 169. In addition, the project installs LED streetlights and adds an enhanced LID stormwater system.

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