Board approves 2024 call for projects.

May 17, 2024

The Board anticipates awarding $145 Million in grants.

The Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) is pleased to announce its 2024 Call for Projects. Grant applications will be available online on our Online Funding Applications page beginning May 20, 2024. Completed applications must be submitted online by Friday, August 9, 2024, and grant awards will be announced after the December 1, 2023 board meeting.

Target funding levels have been set by the board. These levels may be altered based on revenue forecasts, applications received, and current commitments. Funding levels for each program are:

Program Amount
Urban Arterial Program/Arterial Preservation Program $82 Million
Urban Active Transportation Program $8 Million
Small City Arterial Program/
Small City Preservation Program/
Small City Maintenance Program
$20 Million
Small City Active Transportation Program $5 Million
Complete Streets Program $30 Million
Total $145 Million

Interested agencies are encouraged to attend a TIB funding workshop. Work shops are being offered in person through out the state in May and June. Workshops provide information about the various funding programs, program priorities, TIB goals, and the application process. If you're not able to attend an in-person workshop, contact your TIB engineer for any quesitons you have.

For more information on current and past funding programs, go to the Project Selection section of the TIB Dashboard.

For more information regarding the call for projects, contact your TIB Engineer.

About TIB

The Transportation Improvement Board funds high priority transportation projects in communities throughout the state to enhance the movement of people, goods and services.