Planning — TIB Strategic Planning
TIB Strategic Plan (2023-2032)
Transportation Improvement Board Charter
The intent of the program is to:
- Improve mobility of people and goods in Washington State by supporting economic development and environmentally responsive solutions to our statewide transportation system needs;
- Improve ther arterial street system of the state by improving mobility and safety while supporting an environment essential to the quality of life of the citizens of the state; and
- Maintain, preserve and extend the life and utility of prior investments in transportation systems and services.
TIB Mission
The TIB funds high priority transportation projects in communities throughout the state to enhance the movement of people, goods, and services.
TIB Core Values
Improve and innovate; Manage projects to ribbon cutting; Dollars in the ground, not in the bank; Catalyst for project completion
Transportation Policy Goals
TIB's Program and Administrative Goals support the following Washington State Transportation Policy Goals.
- Safety
- Economic Vitality
- Mobility
- Preservation
- Environment
- Stewardship
TIB IT Strategic Plan
TIB's IT Strategic Plan supports the agency's overall strategic plan.
TIB Open Data Plan
TIB's Open Data Planning Policy supports the agency's commitment to Open Data.
Agency Goals:
Enhance Arterial Safety
Related Programs: SCAP, UAP, SP
- Fund projects that have a high potential for collision reduction based on safety criteria
10 Year Outcomes
- Arterial safety hazards reduced
10 Year Targets/Measures
- % reduced collisions on arterials (includes motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians)
Support Economic Development
Related Programs: SCAP, UAP
- Use growth and development criteria to coordinate timely investments with reliable development opportunities
- Focus investments on downtown and activity centers
10 Year Outcomes
- Increased economic activity near TIB projects
10 Year Targets/Measures
- % of projects in which development occurred within 5 years
Improve Mobility of People and Goods
Related Programs: SCPP, SCAP, APP, UAP
- Fund projects that strategically add capacity and enhance mobility options
- Encourage projects that fill gaps and complete corridors
- Use criteria that identifies projects that improve access to non-motorized mobility options, transit, and freight
10 Year Outcomes
- Congestion reduced on project-specific basis
- Leverage prior transportation investments
- Continuous network of mobility options, providing access to non-motorized facilities, transit and freight
10 Year Targets/Measures
- Change index (% improvement) in level of service per project
- % increase in completed corridors
- # of miles of corridor extension/improvement by project
- Miles of bike lanes and sidewalks
- # of projects accessing freight facilities
Maintain, Extend and Preserve the Life of Streets
Related Programs: SCPP, SCAP, CHAP, APP
- Continue to improve efficient delivery of small city preservation projects
- Stabilize funding for arterial preservation projects
10 Year Outcomes
- Improved pavement in small cities/towns
- Stop decline of medium city arterial condition
10 Year Targets/Measures
- Pavement condition over 70 for all small cities
- Medium size city pavement condition stays equal to or greater than reported in 2012
Encourage Environmental Responsibility
Related Programs: SCPP, SCAP, APP, UAP, SP
- Develop curriculum and provide training to customers on environmentally sustainable design
- Fund projects that support sustainable design and construction, driven by up- to-date sustainability criteria
10 Year Outcomes
- Curriculum made available to customers
- More agencies have knowledge and tools to use environmentally sustainable practices
- Projects designed and constructed for the environment and users
10 Year Targets/Measures
- # of training opportunities
- Participation rate
- Customer satisfaction rate
- % of points available achieved in sustainability
Communicate Effectively
Related Programs: ALL
- Broadly communicate TIB funding opportunities to external audiences
- Clearly communicate agency responsibilities for managing the TIB project in order to access TIB grant
10 Year Outcomes
- Customers clearly understand how TIB programs work and how they can be competitive
- New legislators understand and support TIB
- Stakeholders support TIB activities, leveraging funding for greater impact in local communities
- Grant recipients clearly understand grant rules and agreements
10 Year Targets/Measures
- % positive customer survey response
- # agencies without awards in past 5, 10 years
- # agencies at TIB funding workshops
- Additional funding appropriated/obtained
- # of delayed projects
- # of agencies who have not billed in the past year
Maintain Stable Operations
Related Programs: ALL
- Position for new revenue
- Utilize demand model to anticipate future expenditure
- Performance reviews of executive director by three board members (chair, vice chair, past chair if available)
- Report progress on measures to board annually
- Customer feedback every 2-3 years: are programs offered meeting the needs of the customers?
10 Year Outcomes
- Resources are balanced
- Programs are still in place
- Funding is stable
- Legislature and constituents appreciate TIB
- Independence is maintained
- New funding sources are achieved
- Responsive to changing environment and program results meet emerging needs
10 Year Targets/Measures
- % of $ spent on construction and on design
- % of transactions processed within target
- Consistency in # of projects, fund balances
- Change/review of funding laws
- Reduced reliance on gas tax
- Satisfaction survey
- # of customers who received a grant after not having one for more than 10 years
- % of customers who are satisfied
Effective Project Management
Related Programs: ALL
- Collaborate to establish design only and hybrid loan programs
- Develop major project grants program
- Apply constructability criteria
- Active project management approach
10 Year Outcomes
- Economies of scale created and higher cost projects supported
- Minimize losses due to project failure
- Resolve project delays
10 Year Targets/Measures
- # of jurisdictions using hybrid program
- % of participating jurisdictions meeting loan obligations
- Average time to completion
- # of resolved delayed projects