Transportation Improvement Board
Performance Management Dashboard

 Projects — TIB Project Information

TIB Project Information

City of Tukwila's West Valley Highway (SR 181)


West Valley Highway (SR 181)

Strander Bvd to I-405

FY 2019 Urban Arterial Program
Current Phase : Audit
Total TIB Funding : $2,115,432

County: King   |   Legislative District: 11   |   Project Length: 0.40   |   TIB Engineer: Greg Armstrong   |   Last Payment Date: 11/14/2024

Project Information

Lead Agency TUKWILA
Funding Year 2019
Program UAP
Current Phase Audit
Legislative District 11
Congressional District 9
Federal Route Number 0181
Project Length 0.40 mi.
ADT 35,100
Functional Class Principal
Type of Work Major Widening
Project Contact Cyndy Knighton
Contact Email
TIB Engineer Greg Armstrong
Last Payment Date 11/14/2024
Cultural Resource Assessment Not Required

Project Schedule

  Target Date Actual Date
Project Selection Date   11/17/2017
Delayed Project Date 07/01/2022  
DAHP Assessment Date  
Predesign Approval
Design Approval 03/19/2018 03/19/2018
Bid Auth. Approval 11/01/2021 09/12/2021
Construction Approval 11/09/2021 11/23/2021
Project Closeout 10/31/2024 10/31/2024
Audit Date   11/14/2024
Withdrawn Date  

Project Funding

TIB Funds Project Costs
Environmental Study 0 0
Design Study 0 0
Total Predesign 0 0
Special Study 0 0
Design 280,820 525,397
Right of Way 0 0
Total Design 280,820 525,397
Construction Engineering 280,820 559,256
Construction Contract 1,872,740 3,705,562
Other Construction 0 0
Total Construction 2,153,560 4,264,818
Funding Surplus - 318,948  
Total TIB Funding 2,115,432 4,790,215

Local Funding Partners

Funding Amount Percent
TUKWILA 429,783 9.0%
WSDOT Funding 0 0.0%
CMAQ Funds  185,000 3.9%
Sound Transit  2,060,000 43.0%
Total Local Funding 2,674,783 55.9%

Project Description

Project will widen WVH to the east to construct the 3rd NB thru lane & install a 15' wide pedestrian zone where feasible. Lane offsets will be corrected as the NB curb line is brought to a consistent location. Bridging the SPU 60' watermain will be done to traffic load bearing standards to accommodate the widened roadway & the pedestrian zone. The existing NB RT lane that drops at Longacres will be carried through to S 156th St. The inside NB lane north at Longacres will feed directly into the dual NBLT lanes to I-405, alleviating the existing congestion point as the inside lane becomes blocked by heavy turn volumes, making an effective single NB lane. Where appropriate, existing broken s/w panels will be replaced. Pedestrian signalized crossing types will be studied to bring users of the new Ped/Bike Bridge over the Green River (located at 16113 WVH) safely across WVH, including a landscaped median/pedestrian refuge midway between Strander & Longacres. The new bridge (open late 2017) connects the Green River Trail & Southcenter on the west to the hotels & Sounder Station on the east. Driveways will be reconstructed to meet current ADA guidelines. The project will construct wide sidewalks & a buffer zone along the property frontage including the joint King County/Tukwila project to construct widened sidewalks from the Ped Bridge point north to Longacres Way (CMAQ funded). Any new illumination will use LED lamps. Fixed objects will be moved outside the 15' clear zone where possible. Possible access mgmt by changing the TWLTL into a median with u-turns at intersections will be studied.

Project Pictures

Project Delays

Delay Type Resolution Date Comments
Coordination Issues
Project Delay
01/31/2020 The city was unable to reach agreement with the consultant on scope and fee. They re advertised for consultant services and conducted interviews on 4/12/2019, the hope to give the consultant notice to proceed in June 2019. City hopes to advertise Spring 2020 but the project funding package includes federal funds, requires WSDOT approval, a corps permit is requires, and the project crosses 60-inch water main owned by Seattle Public Utilities. Because of these constraints I think it is unlikely that the project will Fall 2020.

Project Payments