Transportation Improvement Board
Performance Management Dashboard

 Projects — TIB Funding Cycles

FY 2022 UAP Selections

City of SeaTac
34th Avenue S
S 160th St to S 166th St
TIB Award Amount
Region: Puget Sound   |   Legislative District: 33   |   Length: 0.35 mi. FY 2022 Urban Arterial Program (UAP)

Existing Conditions

34th Ave S is used extensively by children walking to McMicken Heights Elementary School and McMicken Heights Park, residents walking to transit services on SR 99, two known wheelchair users, the Ethiopian Muslim Association members for prayer services (5 times/day, 7 days/week), and by students walking to a middle and high school bus stop within the project limits. No sidewalks exist on 34th Ave S between S 160th St and S 166th St. Pedestrians and wheelchair users resort to using the street, creating an unsafe situation that has resulted in 3 pedestrian or bicycle accidents from 2012-2016 along 34th Ave S right outside the project limits. 34th Ave S is being used as a cut-through to bypass congestion on SR 99, with vehicles often traveling at rates well above the speed limit. Parking along the roadway is sporadic and unorgainized, often creating blocked mailbox access and blocked driveways for homeowners. In addition, pavement degredation combined with steep hills and below standard sight distance have resulted in 8 traffic accidents in the past 3 years within the project area.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 0 0 0
Right of Way 0 0 0
Construction 2,000,000 4,510,150 6,510,150
Project Totals $2,000,000 $4,510,150 $6,510,150

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
30.7% 69.3% 20%

Description of Improvements

The project provides a safer, ADA-compliant walking area for neighborhood children and wheelchair users, who will be completely separated from bicycle and vehicular traffic through the construction of curb, gutter, sidewalks, and bicycle lanes on both sides of the road along the entire length of the project. Planter strips will be constructed to provide an additional buffer between pedestrians and vehicles. Pedestrian lighting will improve visibility. A flashing all-way stop at South 162nd and a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon at South 160th Street will provide safer crossings for pedestrians. On-street parking will be constructed along the west side between South 162nd Street and South 166th Street. Curb extensions at intersections will help mitigate speeds, driveways bulb-outs will prevent on-street parking from blocking driveways and also help mitigate speeds. Pavement will consist of full-depth reclamation north of 162nd, and grind/overlay south of 162nd. The vertical profile will be smoothed out north of 162nd to eliminate a steep vertical curve, which will improve stopping sight distance. Obstructions at 160th will be removed improving intersection sight distance. The elimination of roadside ditches and utility poles will improve safety for all modes of travel along this roadway.