Transportation Improvement Board
Performance Management Dashboard

 Projects — TIB Project Information

TIB Project Information

City of Kirkland's 100th Avenue NE


100th Avenue NE

NE 138th Pl to NE 145th St

FY 2021 Urban Arterial Program
Current Phase : Construction
Total TIB Funding : $3,300,000

County: King   |   Legislative District: 1   |   Project Length: 0.63   |   TIB Engineer: Greg Armstrong   |   Last Payment Date: 10/31/2024

Project Information

Lead Agency KIRKLAND
Funding Year 2021
Program UAP
Current Phase Construction
Legislative District 1, 45
Congressional District 1
Federal Route Number 2201
Project Length 0.63 mi.
ADT 19,258
Functional Class Principal
Type of Work Major Widening
Project Contact Laura Drake
Contact Email
TIB Engineer Greg Armstrong
Last Payment Date 10/31/2024
Cultural Resource Assessment Section 106

Project Schedule

  Target Date Actual Date
Project Selection Date   11/22/2019
Delayed Project Date 01/01/2021  
DAHP Assessment Date   06/25/2020
Predesign Approval
Design Approval 02/01/2020 01/10/2020
Bid Auth. Approval 01/10/2023 01/03/2023
Construction Approval 03/28/2023 03/29/2023
Project Closeout 07/31/2025
Audit Date  
Withdrawn Date  

Project Funding

TIB Funds Project Costs
Environmental Study 0 0
Design Study 0 0
Total Predesign 0 0
Special Study 0 0
Design 0 0
Right of Way 0 0
Total Design 0 0
Construction Engineering 301,966 2,829,584
Construction Contract 2,151,785 18,601,207
Other Construction 546,249 0
Total Construction 3,000,000 21,430,791
Funding Increase 300,000  
Total TIB Funding 3,300,000 21,430,791

Local Funding Partners

Funding Amount Percent
KIRKLAND 18,130,791 84.6%
WSDOT Funding 0 0.0%
Total Local Funding 18,130,791 84.6%

Project Description

The 100th Avenue NE Corridor Improvements Project will provide a solution to the need by establishing continuity with roadway improvements for the current 5-lane to 2-lane transition. The project will improve the existing roadway with a complete street design adding two additional travel lanes, a center left turn lane, continuous surface rehabilitation, wide sidewalks, a separated bicycle facility, and intersection improvements along 100th Avenue NE between NE 138th Place and NE 145th Street. Due to the overall project length, this project is broken into several sub-projects, with application's two roadway segments, two intersection improvements, and one culvert replacement being designed, bid and constructed concurrently. Future phases are planned south of these project limits to extend the upgraded sidewalk and bicycle facilities south to 100th Aveune NE and NE 132nd Street. The project elements included in this grant application will improve the existing roadway by widening the roadway from two to five lanes, installing new sidewalks, curb and gutter, bike lanes, illumination system, upgrading stormwater collection and treatment facilities, optimizing traffic signals and integrating with ITS, and providing urban design amenities. New or converted LED lighting is provided throughout. As a result, the project is intended to improve safety for all users for the corridor, reduce traffic congestion, and establish a community-supported identity for the corridor. Without the grant the City will build the culvert and intersection improvements to prepare for future road and nonmotorized improvements, but the significant discontinuity for nonmotorized users will persist and the queuing issues in the two lane section along with the related high rear-end accident rate will continue.Additional project information can be accessed online https//

Project Pictures

Project Delays

Delay Type Resolution Date Comments
Environmental Issues
Level 1 Board Delay
01/03/2023 This project has been delayed due to tire rubber issue with NMFIS it will be resolved by removing federal funds.

Project Payments