Transportation Improvement Board
Performance Management Dashboard

 Projects — TIB Project Information

TIB Project Information

City of Seattle's East Marginal Way S


East Marginal Way S

S Atlantic to S Spokane St.

FY 2020 Urban Arterial Program
Current Phase : Construction
Total TIB Funding : $3,000,000

County: King   |   Legislative District: 34   |   Project Length: 1.50   |   TIB Engineer: Greg Armstrong   |   Last Payment Date: 10/31/2024

Project Information

Lead Agency SEATTLE
Funding Year 2020
Program UAP
Current Phase Construction
Legislative District 34
Congressional District 7
Federal Route Number 1499
Project Length 1.50 mi.
ADT 14,200
Functional Class Minor
Type of Work Reconstruction
Project Contact Megan Hoyt
Contact Email
TIB Engineer Greg Armstrong
Last Payment Date 10/31/2024
Cultural Resource Assessment Section 106

Project Schedule

  Target Date Actual Date
Project Selection Date   11/16/2018
Delayed Project Date 07/01/2023  
DAHP Assessment Date   09/01/2022
Predesign Approval
Design Approval 06/15/2019 06/21/2019
Bid Auth. Approval 09/10/2022 09/01/2022
Construction Approval 01/10/2023 01/04/2023
Project Closeout 12/31/2025
Audit Date  
Withdrawn Date  

Project Funding

TIB Funds Project Costs
Environmental Study 0 0
Design Study 0 0
Total Predesign 0 0
Special Study 0 0
Design 324,964 3,210,344
Right of Way 0 0
Total Design 324,964 3,210,344
Construction Engineering 472,167 2,498,405
Construction Contract 1,715,612 7,989,564
Other Construction 487,257 5,695,562
Total Construction 2,675,036 16,183,531
Total TIB Funding 3,000,000 19,393,875

Local Funding Partners

Funding Amount Percent
SEATTLE 4,493,875 23.2%
WSDOT Funding 0 0.0%
PSRC  2,900,000 15.0%
Raise Grant  9,000,000 46.4%
Total Local Funding 16,393,875 84.6%

Project Description

The project has 3 primary components (1) build a fully separated bikeway to physically separate cyclists from heavy trucks, (2) rebuild and rechannelize two intersections (including constructing a fully protected crossing for cyclicsts at Horton), and (3) upgrade the S Hanford St signal to improve traffic operations and predictability for all modes. The scope of work (at 30% design) includes a 9.5 to 12-foot wide bikeway separated from the roadway by a concrete barrier, or landscaped buffer where space allows. At the intersections, work includes curb ramps and landings as well as curb radii and channelization improvements. A new roadway surface will eliminate cracked and rutted pavement and reduce ponding. The full corridor will eventually be upgraded to Heavy Haul concrete pavement, but a current rebuild will replace failed pavement sections with a new roadway surface through the intersections. At S Hanford St, this project proposes to relocate the existing railroad tracks further east, pending BNSF approval. Finally, adaptive signals and signal interconnect will be installed to maximize traffic throughput and minimize delays at peak and off-peak periods.

Project Pictures

Project Delays

Delay Type Resolution Date Comments

No delayed project history.

Project Payments