Region: West | Legislative District: 24 | Length: 0.28 mi. | FY 2025 Small City Arterial Program (SCAP) |
Existing ConditionsWest E Street connects the Forks Community Hospital - a vital public facility and tourist destination - to the Forks Transit Center. Currently, no pedestrian infrastructure exists on West E Street and the road itself is in poor condition. Without pedestrian facilities, West E Street, and the hospital itself cannot be truly accessible to the community. Additionally, the current road condition presents a challenge to civilian and emergency vehicles accessing the hospital. |
TIB Funds | Local Funds | Total Costs | |
Design | 66,500 | 3,500 | 70,000 |
Right of Way | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Construction | 483,113 | 25,427 | 508,540 |
Project Totals | $549,613 | $28,927 | $578,540 |
TIB Participation | Local Match | Minimum Local Match |
95.0% | 5.0% | 5% |
A full depth reclamation would restore the structural integrity of the roadway and provide a smooth, even driving surface. An asphalt sidewalk is proposed along the North side for West E Street to provide pedestrian connectivity to public facilities.