Region: West | Legislative District: 19 | Length: 550.00 ft. | FY 2025 Urban Active Transportation Program (ATP) |
Existing ConditionsThere are no pedestrian access routes to Culbertson Park and the Crisis Support Network / Boys and Girls Club building on 2nd Street NE |
TIB Funds | Local Funds | Total Costs | |
Design | 38,760 | 2,040 | 40,800 |
Right of Way | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Construction | 297,540 | 15,660 | 313,200 |
Project Totals | $336,300 | $17,700 | $354,000 |
TIB Participation | Local Match | Minimum Local Match |
95.0% | 5.0% | 5% |
Install a new 5 foot concrete sidewalk on the South side of 2nd Street NE from Washington Avenue to approximately 550 feet to the East