Douglas County
21st St NE
N Baker Ave to N Devon Ave
TIB Award Amount
Region: Northeast   |   Legislative District: 12   |   Length: 0.26 mi. FY 2025 Urban Arterial Program (UAP)

Existing Conditions

21st St NE is an Urban Major Collector, situated between Eastmont Ave (Urban Minor Arterial) to the east and N Baker Ave (Urban Major Collector) to the west. This road serves as an important residential connection to employment centers, elementary schools, churches, shopping centers, and recreation. Sidewalks are intermittent and not ADA compliant. This forces pedestrians (students during school year) to share the road with traffic. The road has varying widths and inconsistent/missing curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Stormwater conveyance and collection facilities are substandard or missing throughout the corridor. There is no intersection illumination.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 178,108 31,431 209,539
Right of Way 103,910 18,337 122,247
Construction 1,236,773 218,254 1,455,027
Project Totals $1,518,791 $268,022 $1,786,813

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
85.0% 15.0% 15%

Description of Improvements

Douglas County proposes to install two 11-foot wide lanes, a designated uphill bike lane, a shared downhill bike lane, 3-foot wide shoulders, and a 5-foot wide sidewalk along the entire eastbound lane. Existing sidewalk along the north side will be preserved. Pedestrian crosswalks will be installed at the west and east ends of the project. Driveway improvements will be installed throughout the project where necessary. Curve radii will be improved at N Baker Ave, Blackstone Ct, and N Devon Ave. Illumination will be provided along the corridor. Stormwater will be connected to the existing system at N Baker Ave. A rebuild of the canal crossing will be completed prior to the construction phase of this project.