City of Rock Island
Douglas Street Improvements
Rock Island Rd to 3rd St SW
TIB Award Amount
Region: East   |   Legislative District: 7   |   Length: 0.32 mi. FY 2025 Small City Arterial Program (SCAP)

Existing Conditions

Douglas Street resufacing is the highest priority for Rock Island. Douglas Street is experiencing more demand and pavement condition needs to be addressed.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 11,894 88,106 100,000
Right of Way 0 0 0
Construction 94,956 703,394 798,350
Project Totals $106,850 $791,500 $898,350

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
11.9% 88.1% 0%

Description of Improvements

Full depth reclamation and paving. Add 5' sidewalk on oneside, two 6' bike lanes, two 12' travel lanes, and storm water facilities.