City of Ellensburg
Pfenning Road Sidewalk
240ft n/o Vantage Hwy to Radio Rd
TIB Award Amount
Region: Southeast   |   Legislative District: 13   |   Length: 0.21 mi. FY 2024 Urban Arterial Program (UAP)

Existing Conditions

Pfenning Road is used by many walkers, joggers and bicyclists in the project vicinity to connect to public schools, the Palouse to Cascades (PTC) Trail, and Vantage Highway. The route is a natural north-south walking and biking connection on the east side of the city and surrounding neighborhoods. There are currently no curb, gutter or sidewalks on Pfenning Road within the 1,100 foot long project vicinity. Existing sidewalks and bike lanes on Pfenning Road terminate about 240 feet north of Vantage Highway to a narrow 24 foot wide roadway with deep road-side ditches. The existing roadway has no shoulder provided for non-motorized users. The lack of curb, gutter and sidewalk is a safety concern for all users, but particularly for students in the area using Pfenning Road to access both Valley View Elementary School and Ellensburg High School from the nearby neighborhoods. The project will serve to complete a safe route for students between the nearby neighborhoods and two schools on the east side of Ellensburg where there is currently limited safe walking and biking connectivity. The project will install a 6-foot wide sidewalk on both sides of the road with a buffer strip and bike lanes.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 173,352 93,348 266,700
Right of Way 3,250 1,750 5,000
Construction 1,213,398 653,402 1,866,800
Project Totals $1,390,000 $748,500 $2,138,500

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
65.0% 35.0% 15%

Description of Improvements

The Pfenning Road Sidewalk Extension project will create a multi-modal pathway for pedestrians and bicycles on Pfenning Road from Vantage Highway to the Radio Hill neighborhood north of Radio Rd.