City of Spokane
Maple Street and Walnut Street
5th Ave to 1st Ave
TIB Award Amount
Region: Northeast   |   Legislative District: 3   |   Length: 0.70 mi. FY 2024 Urban Arterial Program (UAP)

Existing Conditions

The Maple/Walnut one-way couplet is one of the highest traffic volume corridors in the City at over 40,000 ADT, is a T-2 freight route, provides access and connection to/from I-90, leads to/from the Maple St. Bridge crossing of the Spokane River and is the highest volume roadway serving the Northwest portion of the City of Spokane and Spokane County developed areas to the North and Northwest beyond the City of Spokane. Pavement maintenance in the form of a grind and overlay resurfacing is needed to preserve the overall pavement section, extend the life of the overall pavement structure and delay or prevent the need for full depth pavement reconstruction.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 75,600 50,400 126,000
Right of Way 0 0 0
Construction 844,800 563,200 1,408,000
Project Totals $920,400 $613,600 $1,534,000

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
60.0% 40.0% 20%

Description of Improvements

Grind and overlay, surface prep and limited full depth pavement repair, ADA ramps, relocate cantileaver I-90 sign off of sidewalk.