Existing Conditions
S. Gold Street, between Main Street and Summa Street, is the last leg of the major collector roadway that needs to be reconstructed and have pedestrian improvements completed. The City has upgraded the remaining length of Gold Street between Marion Street and Main Street (2021) and Summa Street and the South City Limits (2012). This major collector receives high pedestrian and vehicular use. It is the main north/south connection in Centralia on the east side of the BNSF railroad tracks. There is a K-6th elementary school, homeless shelter, food bank and residential neighborhood directly adjacent to this corridor. Gold Street is two blocks from the historic downtown and the Amtrack Station and is a primary transit route. The roadway surface is mostly concrete or concrete with asphalt overlay and has severely deteriorated over the years. The stormwater system needs some minor upgrades. The sidewalks are in decent shape. However, there are no ADA ramps at any of the intersections and some intersection crossings are dangerous for pedestrians due to lack of signing and striping, especially at the two curves in the roadway geometry.