City of East Wenatchee
19th Street NW Phase 1
SR 28 to Bella Rio Apartments
TIB Award Amount
Region: Northeast   |   Legislative District: 12   |   Length: 0.40 mi. FY 2024 Urban Arterial Program (UAP)

Existing Conditions

The segments of roadways identified in the 19th Street NW Rehabilitation project consist of two-lane paved streets of greatly varying width and gaps in usage. The roadway services municipal facilities, a highly used trailhead, residences and light commercial uses. Pedestrians use this corridor to navigate to multiple public bus routes and the Apple Capital Loop Trail. Walkability along this section of corridor is poor and not ADA compliant. The pedestrian route consists of non-existent to intermittent sidewalks and various-width shoulders along both sides. Lack of adequate stormwater conveyance results in culverts clogged with sediment and uncontrolled roadway runoff into private properties. The bicycle route is unmarked and/or varying with no shoulder and obstructions. The existing pavement is experiencing cracking and near the end of its useful life. Seasonal freeze and thaw patterns will continue to break down the asphalt surface at an accelerated rate and become a high-cost maintenance issue in the near future. Furthermore, uncontrolled street/shoulder parking commonly occurs with the public right of way creating obstructions and sight distance issues.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 0 0 0
Right of Way 0 0 0
Construction 2,000,000 2,558,136 4,558,136
Project Totals $2,000,000 $2,558,136 $4,558,136

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
43.9% 56.1% 15%

Description of Improvements

Rehabilitation and widening roadway with two 5-foot sidewalks, two 5-foot bike lanes, two 11-foot-wide travel lanes and continuous 12-foot-wide turn lane. ADA ramps and crosswalk markings, new curb / gutter, catch basins, other stormwater conveyance and treatment included. Improvements will provide direct access to Apple Capital Loop Trail trailhead with educational kiosk treatment.