City of Vancouver
NE 137th Avenue
NE 49th St to NE Fourth Plain Blvd
TIB Award Amount
Region: Southwest   |   Legislative District: 17   |   Length: 1.00 mi. FY 2024 Urban Arterial Program (UAP)

Existing Conditions

NE 137th Avenue was built by Clark County as a rural two-lane roadway with numerous commercial and residential driveways directly accessing the roadway. The roadway has little to no shoulders, no sidewalks, no bicycle facilities, and inadequate illumination. The collision history shows problems with unsafe intersections and issues related to a lack of access management and center turn lane. Much of the corridor drains directly to a culvert with no intervening shoulder. Growth in jobs, increased high-density residential and commercial developments including the Birtcher property, and consideration of increasing congestion on the parallel facilities (162nd and 112th Ave), the arterial travel demand in this corridor requires that the City complete an urban corridor upgrade that provides safe mobility for all modes, provides the appropriate accessibility given the land uses, and strives to retain the integrity of the existing adjacent residential neighborhoods.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 0 2,500,000 2,500,000
Right of Way 0 4,723,000 4,723,000
Construction 3,250,000 13,066,000 16,316,000
Project Totals $3,250,000 $20,289,000 $23,539,000

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
13.8% 86.2% 20%

Description of Improvements

This project will complete a full urban upgrade which will provide a safe urban corridor with full multi-modal functionality and provide the needed capacity for growth in the Birtcher development area. At the beginning of 2014 the City of Vancouver completed the urban upgrade project on NE 137th Avenue from NE 28th Street to NE 49th Street, leaving the section of roadway from 49th Street to Fourth Plain as the only remaining section requiring an urban upgrade along 136th / 137th Avenue to NE Fourth Plain Blvd. The project will include building one travel lane in each direction, a center turn lane/median, bike lanes, sidewalks with ADA ramps, roundabouts at identified intersections with multi-use paths, stormwater facilities, streetlights, as well as conduits and fiber installation.