City of Shoreline
N 145th Street (SR 523) Phase 2
Corliss Ave N to 3rd Ave NE
TIB Award Amount
Region: Puget Sound   |   Legislative District: 32   |   Length: 0.27 mi. FY 2024 Urban Arterial Program (UAP)

Existing Conditions

The 145th Street Corridor (SR-523) is approximately 3 miles east/west and the border between the cities of Shoreline and Seattle; it connects with SR-99 (west) and SR-522 (east) and midway includes an interchange with Interstate 5 (I-5). The average daily traffic on this corridor is up to 30,000+ ADT with a high-volume history of accidents. A large part of this corridor is transitioning from single family residential to multifamily. Currently, bottlenecks occur with in-lane left-turns; utility poles make sidewalks impassable for a wheelchair or stroller; it is an unfriendly corridor for bicyclists; and due to congestion is largely avoided by transit. Sound Transit is opening light rail immediately northeast of the I-5 Interchange in 2024. King County Metro and Sound Transit have both committed to frequent bus service along the corridor to support the new light rail station. Based on this new regional transit service, Shoreline began a planning study (2015) with public outreach to analyze improvements needed on the corridor to increase safety and accessibility. The study led to two Shoreline capital improvement projects: I-5/145th Street Interchange Project (constructing roundabouts on either side of the overpass and re-channelizing bridge deck); and the 145th Street Corridor Project, I-5 to Aurora Ave. The latter has been divided into phases for ROW and Construction. This application seeks Construction funding for Phase 1, N/NE 145th Street (3rd Ave NE to Corliss Ave N).

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 0 0 0
Right of Way 0 0 0
Construction 5,000,000 7,380,098 12,380,098
Project Totals $5,000,000 $7,380,098 $12,380,098

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
40.4% 59.6% 20%

Description of Improvements

The project focuses on expanding intersection safety and operations; reducing delays in traffic and increasing transit speed and reliability; and improving access for pedestrians moving along the corridor and accessing the future light rail station. The project installs intersection controls such as longer left-turn queues and signal timing adjustments; creates access management along the corridor with a combination of center medians and/or dual left turn lane (removing drivers from through-lane for making left turns); restricts all left turn movement at Corliss Ave and installs a ped/bike signal; removes obstacles to peds on north and south sides; provides a higher comfort/safety level on the north side with wider sidewalk and amenity zone; improves crosswalks, adds ped countdown signals and ADA accessible ramps; improves ped lighting; advances bus stop access/user experience; and re-directs bicyclists to off-corridor facilities. The proposed improvements will help reduce congestion and benefit access, mobility, and safety for all modes of transportation. Conflict points will be reduced helping to reduce accidents. The project will be supporting a growing candidate Countywide Center (where Shoreline has rezoned up to MUR-70) helping to provide access to the many employment, educational, commercial, and recreational opportunities that connecting with a regional transit system provides and helping to maximize the return on the Sound Transit billion-dollar investment.