City of Spokane Valley
Broadway Avenue Concrete Intersection
Park Rd
TIB Award Amount
Region: Northeast   |   Legislative District: 4   |   Length: 0.08 mi. FY 2024 Urban Arterial Program (UAP)

Existing Conditions

The City is currently designing the 2023 Broadway preservation project between Fancher and Park. Design identified this intersection as a high need because the existing split phased signalized intersection is overloaded, poorly functioning and in bad condition. Lane channelization doesnt match the surrounding street segments. Signal infrastructure is 40 years old, poorly located, undersized, and prohibits more functional signal phasing. The pavement has severe rutting, failed patches, extensive alligator cracking, and heaved sidewalks. This is the first signalized intersection east of the Broadway and I90 interchange and the first signalized intersection south of Park and Trent (SR290). The current split phase signal timing is inefficient and requires atypical lane configurations that include thru-left turns and right turn only lanes on Park. Similar thru-left turns are required for Broadway due to signal capabilities. Park is one of the citys two I90 overcrossings that is not a high traffic arterial, which is why the City has designated it a bike route. Further, Park connects residences to a nearby elementary school on Mission, a middle school immediately northeast of the existing gas station and the Park Rd. Pool, also northeast of the gas station. In 2020, TIB funded new sidewalk on Park between Cataldo and Mission, including a new crossing. Complete Streets and CDBG funds are also adding new sidewalk on Parks west side from Broadway to Cataldo and Nora to Baldwin.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 75,502 18,876 94,378
Right of Way 0 0 0
Construction 1,887,568 471,892 2,359,460
Project Totals $1,963,070 $490,768 $2,453,838

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
80.0% 20.0% 20%

Description of Improvements

Reconstruct intersection with PCCP extending about 200 feet from intersection. Replace portions of curb and sidewalk. The north, east, and south legs will be restriped to a typical 3 lane section with dedicated left turn lanes and bike lanes (west leg is not a bike route). New signal with a protected-permitted left turn signal phasing.