City of Ellensburg
Alder Street
I/S and PTC Reconnect - 14th Ave to Event Center
TIB Award Amount
Region: Southeast   |   Legislative District: 13   |   Length: 0.40 mi. FY 2022 Urban Arterial Program (UAP)

Existing Conditions

The current intersection configuration at Alder St and 14th Ave is a four way stop configuration. The intersection is located adjacent to Central Washington University and is a primary route for students going to and from campus. During peak times, including CWU's class breaks at the end of each class hour, the intersection experiences a high volume of vehicular and non-motorized traffic and delays. The Palouse to Cascades (PTC) Reconnect Trail also crosses Alder St on the north side of the intersection and is used by both students and residents. As early as 2025 the Level of Service for the intersection will be a LOS E, which is below the City’s standard of LOS C, as shown in the attached excerpts from City of Ellensburg Comprehensive Plan and recent traffic study. The benefits of installing a signalized intersection with protected left turn pockets include increasing the projected LOS to an A, improving access to CWU, and increasing safety for pedestrians. The project also extends the PTC Reconnect Trail between 14th Ave and the Palouse to Cascades Trail and KVEC.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 117,000 63,000 180,000
Right of Way 3,250 1,750 5,000
Construction 926,400 498,830 1,425,230
Project Totals $1,046,650 $563,580 $1,610,230

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
65.0% 35.0% 15%

Description of Improvements

The City verified with our transporation consultant that a roundabout at this intersection would not be recommended due to the high pedestrian and bike volumes at this location because of the proximity of CWU and the PTC Reconnection Route. The proposed project will install a traffic signal at the intersection of Alder St and 14th Ave include the addition of turning pockets at the intersection, a full 8-phased traffic signal, new curb gutter and sidewalks. The missing trail gap between the Palouse to Cascades State Park Trail (previously John Wayne Trail) at the Kittitas Valley Event Center (KVEC) to the PTC Reconnect Trail at 14th Ave will also be constructed. This trail will connect to the Bike Blvd. on 7th Ave which provides access to Ellensburg's Downtown. The trail extension aligns with the goals of the City of Ellensburg Comprehensive Plan to fill in gaps in the system to accomodate safe, enjoyable, and energy efficeint travel by those of all abilities choosing to walk, bike, or use transit. Safety improvement countermeasure upgrades to the existing signal at University Way and Alder St will be performed including leading pedestrian interval timing and flashing left yellow turn arrows in accordance with the City's Local Road Safety Plan. CWU has also hired a consultant and is working with the KVEC to convert an existing parking lot at the PTC trailhead to a multi-modal transit hub.