City of Omak
5th Avenue
Benton St to US 97
TIB Award Amount
Region: East   |   Legislative District: 7   |   Length: 900.00 ft. FY 2021 Small City Sidewalk Program (SCSP)

Existing Conditions

The East Omak Community Center is located on Benton Street and is a short walk from the pedestrian pathway along US 97. Street, sidewalk, and illumination improvements were recently completed from the Community Center to the intersection of Benton Street and 5th Avenue. There is currently a gap in the pedestrian facilities system between US 97 and the recent improvements leading to the Community Center on Benton Street. This proposal would establish sidewalk on 5th Avenue from Benton Street to US 97 and connect the proposed sidewalk near the community center to the existing pedestrian path which leads to the East Omak Elementary School, the municipal pool, Eastside Park, and the Omak Stampede Visitor Center.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 27,075 1,425 28,500
Right of Way 0 0 0
Construction 217,075 11,425 228,500
Project Totals $244,150 $12,850 $257,000

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
95.0% 5.0% 5%

Description of Improvements

A new 5-foot wide sidewalk, curb, and gutter, will be installed to complete the gap between the existing pedestrian path and the community center. Storm drainage facilities or swales will be added to collect and infiltrate stormwater.