City of South Bend
Adams Street
1st St to US 101
TIB Award Amount
Region: West   |   Legislative District: 19   |   Length: 0.08 mi. FY 2021 Small City Arterial Program (SCAP)

Existing Conditions

There are three blocks on Adams Street between US 101 and First Street, the location of South Bend’s schools and athletic fields, that are in very poor condition. It is the location of the lowest PCR scored block in the City according to TIB. The sidewalks along these three blocks are also in extremely poor condition or are non-existent and would provide direct access to the school, if constructed. This community relies on safe roadway and pedestrian corridors for the health and safety of its residents and students.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 88,005 0 88,005
Right of Way 0 0 0
Construction 674,705 0 674,705
Project Totals $762,710 $0 $762,710

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
100.0% 0.0% 0%

Description of Improvements

There are three blocks on Adams Street associated with the proposed project as follows: 1) US 101 to Broadway (PCR Score 32) asphalt roadway with no sidewalk on either side of roadway, 2) Broadway Street to Water (PCR Score 25) concrete roadway with deteriorating sidewalk on one side of roadway, and 3) Water Street to First (PCR Score 70) asphalt roadway with no sidewalk on either side of roadway. The proposed project will make the following improvements: 1) US 101 to Broadway - reconstruct asphalt roadway using Cement Treated Base (CTB) plus curb/gutter and add sidewalk on one side of roadway, 2) Broadway Street to Water - remove concrete roadway, construct asphalt roadway using CTB plus curb/gutter and add new sidewalk on one side of roadway, and 3) Water Street to First - add sidewalk and curb/gutter on one side of roadway. All sidewalk road crossings will include American with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramps and crossing bars.