City of Monroe
Fryelands Boulevard Pedestrian Crossings
152nd St SE and 146th St SE
TIB Award Amount
Region: Puget Sound   |   Legislative District: 39   |   Length: 20.00 mi. FY 2024 Urban Active Transportation Program (ATP)

Existing Conditions

Fryelands Boulevard is a classified minor arterial consisting of four lanes and a center turn lane. The posted speed is 35mph with an AADT exceeding 3500 vehicles. On the west side of the street there is a community park with several amenities that draws many people to visit. Additionally, there is a shared path that runs parallels Fryelands along the west sided. Pedestrian generators come from the east side of Fryelands Boulevard in the residential communities, as well as businesses along the east side that draw pedestrians from the shared path to cross the street.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 7,700 3,300 11,000
Right of Way 0 0 0
Construction 58,800 25,200 84,000
Project Totals $66,500 $28,500 $95,000

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
70.0% 30.0% 20%

Description of Improvements

Pedestrian crossings on multi-lane, large volume, and higher speed roadways are encouraged to include enhanced safety crossing features. Absent a signalized intersection or pedestrian bridge, enhancement ideas can include refuge islands, activated flashing beacons (RRFB and HAWK systems). Two locations--one at Fryelands Boulevard at the intersection with 152nd Street and the other at at 146th Street SE--have been identified at as candidates for enhanced crossings. For 152nd Street SE, this crossing links neighborhoods directly to the park entrance. For 146th Street, pedestrians walk to and from the shared path to visit a local coffee shop and a few eateries. This location would benefit from an enhanced crossing features.