Town of Pe Ell
Main Street Sidewalk
E 7th Ave to E 6th Ave
TIB Award Amount
Region: West   |   Legislative District: 20   |   Length: 295.00 ft. FY 2024 Urban Active Transportation Program (ATP)

Existing Conditions

The proposed project is located on the east side of Main Street (State Route 6) between East 7th Avenue to East 6th Avenue. The sidewalk is cracked and uplifted in numerous locations presenting a tripping hazard to pedestrian traffic on this corridor through Pe Ells commercial district. WSDOT, in August 2020, resurfaced State Route 6 (Main Street) through town limits and updated all road crossings with ADA compliant ramps; however, the sidewalk on this block between the ramps is still in very poor condition. Completion of this proposed project will connect the new sidewalk to the north (Pe Ell Avenue to East 7th Avenue) and the newer sidewalk to the south that includes the small Pe Ell Veterans Memorial pocket park.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 8,720 0 8,720
Right of Way 0 0 0
Construction 66,856 0 66,856
Project Totals $75,576 $0 $75,576

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
100.0% 0.0% 0%

Description of Improvements

Replace approximately 295 lineal feet of 5-foot wide sidewalk on Main Street.