Clark County
Truman School Sidewalk
NE 40th Ave and NE 44th St
TIB Award Amount
Region: West   |   Legislative District: 49   |   Length: 195.00 ft. FY 2024 Urban Active Transportation Program (ATP)

Existing Conditions

Clark County Public Works has identified sidewalk gaps and safety measures to help more students walk, ride and roll to Truman Elementary School. Communication with Vancouver Public School (VPS) District staff and recent observations of how students access the school facilities led to this grant funding request. Public access to C-TRAN will also be improved. Truman Elementary School was rebuilt in 2020. The VPS District constructed sidewalks along the road frontage as a part of the local bond project. Multiple sidewalk gaps exist beyond the school property. Currently 84 students live in a non-transport area, 50 walk to school and 103 students within one-mile of the school are approved to ride the bus due to no safe walking routes. ADA ramps are needed to remove barriers for students who utilize rolling assistive mobility. Current enrollment totals 472 students. Of these, 64.4% are low-income, 23% are ELL learners and 18% have a disability. Safe walking/rolling routes are needed.

Project Funding

  TIB Funds Local Funds Total Costs
Design 46,512 53,488 100,000
Right of Way 0 0 0
Construction 153,488 176,512 330,000
Project Totals $200,000 $230,000 $430,000

Local Match

TIB Participation Local Match Minimum Local Match
46.5% 53.5% 20%

Description of Improvements

Clark County proposes to fill sidewalk gaps by extending current cement walks, install new ADA ramps, install/infill new sidewalk, and provide cross walks in locations that provide improved safety for students walking to school. Some existing sidewalk portions may need to be reconstructed if they do not meet current standards. RRFB illumination will alert drivers to students and others who are walking or rolling across the street on 44th Street and help to calm traffic. A new landing pad with ramps and curbing on the southeast corner of 44th Street at 42nd Avenue will provide a safer place for crossing guards and students to stay before crossing the street. This was identified as a high priority by Vancouver School District. Realignment of the crosswalk will provide a shortened pathway and a straighter line of access. This funding request supports phase one of the safety improvements identified near Truman Elementary.